Box tree moth

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How do I recognize the boxwood caterpillar?

To find boxwood caterpillars, you have to look carefully between the leaves of the boxwood shrubs. The young caterpillar is green in color and therefore easily disappears between the green leaves. The animal is easily recognizable due to its black head. When the caterpillar is a bit older, the black longitudinal stripes on the body are more visible.

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How do I recognize the box tree moth?

The adult boxwood moth has white wings with a dark brown edge. The moth is active at night and therefore more difficult to spot.

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How do I recognize boxwood moth damage?

Boxwood moth butterflies do not cause any damage, only the boxwood caterpillars. The caterpillars eat the leaves of boxwood bushes, causing the boxwood bush to become completely bare. The damage often starts at the bottom of the shrub. Spinning also appears between the leaves.

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How do I combat the box tree caterpillar?

Boxwood caterpillars can be controlled biologically with Felti or Carpo nematodes. Microscopic nematodes are sprayed over boxwood shrubs with a garden sprinkler. If a nematode comes into contact with the box tree caterpillar, the nematode crawls into the caterpillar and kills the pest insect.

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How do I combat the box tree moth?

The male moths can be caught with a special Buxa trap. This way you can discover early whether you are suffering from a box tree moth infestation and prevent a lot of damage. It is best to hang the trap from early June to late August, when the moths are flying.

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