Combating Wasps Naturally: Effective and Environmentally Friendly Solutions

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Which wasps cause nuisance?

In the Netherlands, the common wasp ( Vespula vulgaris ) and the German wasp ( Vespula germanica ) cause the most nuisance. These wasp species are often found in urban areas, gardens and parks. They build their nests in the ground, in cavity walls or under eaves. One or two wasps in the garden are not a problem, but in the case of serious nuisance by wasps, the Vespa trap can be used.

When to combat wasps?

The best time to combat wasps is around July and August when the wasps go en masse in search of sugars. Normally wasps get the sugars from their larvae, but in the summer the larvae are fully grown and the wasps go in search of other sources.

Are wasps dangerous?

Wasps do not cause any damage in the garden. They are an important link in the food network: wasps are predators that can suppress crane flies, caterpillars and spiders, for example. Wasps can be annoying to humans, especially if you have an allergic reaction to stings. With a lack of natural enemies and sugars, wasps can become a major pest in the garden or on the balcony.

Chase away wasps

The most animal and environmentally friendly way to get rid of wasps is to chase them away. The Wexit spray is specially designed to lure the wasp away by means of a fine water mist. This makes the wasps leave immediately for their nest, and you can enjoy your food and drink in peace!

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How do I repel wasps?

The Wexit spray is a 100% animal and environmentally friendly wasp repellent! Made from pure spring water, it is safe to use around food and drinks. What sets the Wexit apart from a regular plant sprayer is the fine mist cloud it creates. This simulates rain, which makes the wasp think it is going to rain and return to its nest. A single spray is enough for long-lasting effectiveness.

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Combating wasps

If wasps are a nuisance, the wasps can be effectively caught with the Vespa trap. The Vespa trap has been specially developed to catch wasps. Lemonade or rotting fruit is placed in the trap. The wasps are attracted to the smell and are trapped by the special design of the trap.

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