BYE-BYE TRIPS Promotion week


BYE-BYE TRIPS Promotion week

Do you suffer from thrips? Not anymore from this week! From December 19 to 23 you will receive a 15% discount on all thrips fighters.

Get a discount on the following products this week:

Irski predatory mites : long-term protection of your plant with preventive treatment or light contamination.

Carna lacewing larvae
: New product! These omnivores are excellent to release in the event of a serious infestation

Sticky Leaf Green : Large catch cards attractive to thrips. Ideal for large plants or use in the garden or hobby greenhouse.

Felti nematodes : Treat the thrips infestation thoroughly and combat the thrips pupae in the soil.

Combi deal against thrips : Carna lacewing larvae + Felti Nematodes