Spring seems to have officially started and that means our friendly garden helpers are coming out of hibernation. This also applies to the less plant-friendly creatures.
Our advanced prediction model shows that there has been an exponential growth among aphid populations for several days. You probably already find the 'green monsters' on your roses, fruit bushes or other plants.
Check the buds of your flowers or the undersides of the leaves daily. Young and healthy leaves are definitely preferred. But growing tips are also very popular. The aphids suck plant sap from leaves, causing the plant to grow less well, the leaves to deform and young plants to break off quickly.
The small, round insects can be green, black or red in color. When it becomes too busy on the plant, they can form aphids with wings. This way, a colony does not stay in one place and they spread very quickly from leaf to leaf.

Indications of aphids are white molted skins that remain on the plant. Aphids leave white molting skins because they molt several times until they are fully grown.
Another way to identify aphids is by feeling the leaves. Due to their enthusiastic way of sucking, they absorb too much sugar and secrete it as a sticky and translucent liquid. This is called honeydew.

Take action, because honeydew on outdoor plants can attract wasps and ants. Ants in particular love honeydew and will protect the aphids from natural enemies. And unfortunately often with success.
Spotted an aphid? Cut off the affected parts of the plant and order immediately
Carna , Myza or Puncta to combat aphids naturally.